En fin de compte, c’est un message fort que lance Sciences Po, démontrant que l’égalité des chances n’est pas qu’un simple slogan, mais une réalité vivante au cœur de son ADN. Nous sommes honorés de jouer un rôle dans cette mission.
For almost two decades, Sciences Po has been a beacon for the inclusion of students with disabilities. By launching the « Sciences Po accessible » program in 2008, the institution demonstrated its unwavering commitment to integrating all talents, regardless of their particularities. This pioneering commitment was reinforced by the « Letter of Commitment on Accessibility » in 2013, attesting to a collective mobilization: students, teachers and employees united in this cause.
In the space of seven years, the number of disabled students entering Sciences Po has increased fivefold, reflecting the tangible impact of this inclusive policy. As Frédéric Mion points out, this increase reminds us of the importance of continuing to develop our capacity to welcome and support disabled students. The provision of a dedicated guide for disabled students is a shining example of this.
In this context of inclusion and accessibility, our company is proud to contribute to this noble cause. The installation of the A5000 elevator in the school’s amphitheatre in Rennes is a further step towards achieving this ideal. This modern equipment ensures greater accessibility, enabling students from all backgrounds to benefit from the institution’s resources with complete autonomy.
The partnership between Sciences Po and our company goes far beyond a simple business transaction. It symbolizes an alliance for diversity, solidarity and commitment to a world where every individual, regardless of their situation, is recognized, respected and valued.
Ultimately, it’s a powerful message from Sciences Po, demonstrating that equal opportunity is not just a slogan, but a living reality at the heart of its DNA. We are honored to play a part in this mission.